Yes, we can provide practical guidance to establish a sustainable Facility Management & Safety Program in your hospital.

Yes, we can conduct a physical visit to your hospital, identify gaps, and submit a written report based on the legal requirements of JCIA and the Building Code of Pakistan.

Yes, our expert team is available to conduct third-party audits at your customer sites.

Yes, we can guide you on establishing infection control measures in HVAC systems and isolation rooms based on ASHRAE standards.

Yes, in addition to training, we provide consultancy services for certification, as well as preparation and maintenance of certifications for ISO 9001, 45001, 22000, and Environmental Management.

Yes, we collaborate with another organization that provides UL-approved certificates for our fire retardant materials.

Yes, our organization is registered and has collaborations with various institutes, government bodies, and other organizations.

Yes we can assist you wherever you are